Here are some statistics you need to know

      • 2% of sales are made on the first contact.
      • 3% of sales are made on the second contact.
      • 5% of sales are made after the third contact.
      • 10% of sales are made after the fourth contact.
      • 80% of sales are made after the fifth - twelfth contact!
      • Only 10% of salespeople make more than three contacts.
      • 25% of salespeople make a second contact attempt and stop.
      • 48% of salespeople follow up with a prospect.

The key to increased sales is clearly following up. But how can that be done and done consistently? We are all too busy! The answer is TickleTrain. This email follow-up system handles all of your lead follow-ups for you. Big-ticket lead, to small ones they all add up.

What if every lead got your personal attention? So many more would be converted to sales? Sign up today at and watch your sales and productivity instantly increase.

The version of Ghost you are looking at right now would not have been made possible without generous contributions from the open source community.

The version of Ghost you are looking at right now would not have been made possible without generous contributions from the open source community.


Jonathan Doe on May 16, 2022

She'll turn cold as a freezer. At the eh-end of it all. Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes. Bikinis, zucchinis, Martinis, no weenies.

Jonathan Doe on May 16, 2022

She'll turn cold as a freezer. At the eh-end of it all. Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes. Bikinis, zucchinis, Martinis, no weenies.

Jonathan Doe on May 16, 2022

She'll turn cold as a freezer. At the eh-end of it all. Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes. Bikinis, zucchinis, Martinis, no weenies.


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